Audrey Luna Birch

Audrey Luna Birch
- AGE - 11 years old
- BIRTH - February 18th, 2033
location - Paris, France
- EDUCATION - Hogwarts New Zealand
house - Ravenclaw
year - First Year
- OCCUPATION - Student
- NATIONALITY - French-New Zealander
- BLOOD - Pure-blood
- BOGGART - A giant wasp
- ERISED - Having my family around me telling me how proud they are of me
- AMORTENTIA - Smell of books, lemongrass, cheese
worst - Transfiguration
best - Potions
worst - TBA
best - Lumos and nox
- WAND - 13 1/2, Spruce, Dragon Heartstring core
- RELIGION - Athest
- COLOUR - Pink
loves - Reading, Learning languages, Quidditch
likes - Animals, People
dislikes - Liars
- FOOD - Macaroni cheese
- DRINK - Iced chocolate
- CREATURE - Boomslang
- HOBBIES - Reading, Spending time with Kat Porter
- MUSIC - Wizard pop

My father's family are from New Zealand and originally came from England. My mother's family are from France

Audrey Luna Birch
- AGE - 11 years old
- BIRTH - February 18th, 2033
location - Paris, France
- EDUCATION - Hogwarts New Zealand
house - Ravenclaw
year - First Year
- OCCUPATION - Student
- NATIONALITY - French-New Zealander
- BLOOD - Pure-blood
- BOGGART - A giant wasp
- ERISED - Having my family around me telling me how proud they are of me
- AMORTENTIA - Smell of books, lemongrass, cheese
worst - Transfiguration
best - Potions
worst - TBA
best - Lumos and nox
- WAND - 13 1/2, Spruce, Dragon Heartstring core
- RELIGION - Athest
- COLOUR - Pink
loves - Reading, Learning languages, Quidditch
likes - Animals, People
dislikes - Liars
- FOOD - Macaroni cheese
- DRINK - Iced chocolate
- CREATURE - Boomslang
- HOBBIES - Reading, Spending time with Kat Porter
- MUSIC - Wizard pop